Tuesday, February 7

Our day at the park

This is the walkway/bridge we crossed to get into the park's play area; one of them.

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As we were crossing the walkway.

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The park on the other side of the bridge.

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The waterway we had to cross to get to another area of the park.

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I think this is where the park keeps equipment, or something. It's not a bathroom like I hoped. lol

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This is the river on the side of the park we were on after crossing the waterway.

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A few feet from the above spot in the river/creek.

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Close to the same spot as above.

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Not sure what this is for, but it's not for public use. We're thinking it's something for firemen, or the national guard or something. I wanted to walk around the top.

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A zoomed close-up of the above.

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Our car in the parking lot; while in the park on the other side of the bridge.

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A golf ball that found in the park. We had a good time exploring today.

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Lee said...

Cool pics. i especially love the shadows on the bridge!

Todd said...

@Lee: Those are cool. Had really noticed them much. I knew they were there obviously, just didn't *look* at them :-)

Todd said...

That should've said, "...hadn't really noticed..."