Sunday, August 5

Bush Isn't Spying on al Qaeda ... He's Spying on You

I got this from an article titled...

Bush Isn't Spying on al Qaeda ... He's Spying on You

Robert Parry, Consortium News

Rights and Liberties: The extraordinary secrecy surrounding the spying operations revealed in Alberto Gonzales' Senate testimony is not aimed at al-Qaeda, but at the American people.

1) Do you wear a Casio watch? If the answer is yes, pack your bags - you're headed for Gitmo.

2) Do you have a MySpace page? If yes, you're busted. Prepare to be dragged out of your cushy classroom at any moment by the Secret Service.

3) Are you studying electronics, computer technology, or telecommunications? If yes, you probably also know someone who speaks French. That's a Category 1 / Urgent Priority / Red Flag for Federal investigators. Gitmo.

4) Is there a book or a map anywhere on your campus that describes or depicts anything from "Middle-East-North-Africa"? If yes, you're definitely a terrorist. Here's how the Feds singled you out.

5) Do you own a whistle? If yes, you will probably be mistaken for a "whistle-blower" and are at least a legitimate surveillance target.

Now that you know you're a terrorist, do you think the ACLU can help you? Forget it. The ACLU is bugged, tapped, shadowed, keystroked, hacked, cracked, and otherwise monitored on an hourly basis by the NSA / DoJ / FBI and 20 other black-hat Fed operations. They're even taunting the ACLU about it.

Want to hire a lawyer? Again, forget about it. The DoJ is free to issue a waiver that forces an attorney to break the attorney-client-privilege agreement and turn over all records of communications to Gonzo.

If you really want to understand the situation you're in, read this story about Jerome Heckenkamp's saga at the University of Wisconsin. It's all about private companies, campus system administrators, and the freedom to label a social outsider an "enemy of the corporate state".

Here's the big lesson: forget about spending your college years stealing and trading music files. Get an advanced degree in engineering and study every hour of every day until you graduate. You'll be employed every day for the rest of your life either repairing or rebuilding the infrastructure of the US that's falling apart as I type.

1) Do you wear a Casio watch? If the answer is yes, pack your bags - you're headed for Gitmo.

2) Do you have a MySpace page? If yes, you're busted. Prepare to be dragged out of your cushy classroom at any moment by the Secret Service.

3) Are you studying electronics, computer technology, or telecommunications? If yes, you probably also know someone who speaks French. That's a Category 1 / Urgent Priority / Red Flag for Federal investigators. Gitmo.

4) Is there a book or a map anywhere on your campus that describes or depicts anything from "Middle-East-North-Africa"? If yes, you're definitely a terrorist. Here's how the Feds singled you out.

5) Do you own a whistle? If yes, you will probably be mistaken for a "whistle-blower" and are at least a legitimate surveillance target.

Now that you know you're a terrorist, do you think the ACLU can help you? Forget it. The ACLU is bugged, tapped, shadowed, keystroked, hacked, cracked, and otherwise monitored on an hourly basis by the NSA / DoJ / FBI and 20 other black-hat Fed operations. They're even taunting the ACLU about it.

Want to hire a lawyer? Again, forget about it. The DoJ is free to issue a waiver that forces an attorney to break the attorney-client-privilege agreement and turn over all records of communications to Gonzo.

If you really want to understand the situation you're in, read this story about Jerome Heckenkamp's saga at the University of Wisconsin. It's all about private companies, campus system administrators, and the freedom to label a social outsider an "enemy of the corporate state".

Here's the big lesson: forget about spending your college years stealing and trading music files. Get an advanced degree in engineering and study every hour of every day until you graduate. You'll be employed every day for the rest of your life either repairing or rebuilding the infrastructure of the US that's falling apart as I type.

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