Saturday, August 18

Hungry kitties. Rain. Visiting w/friends


Meet our kitties. I was sitting at the computer when my wife went in to feed them, when the table just filled-up, so I figured it was a good idea to take a picture. *grin* Guess we had some hungry kitties, eh? :-)

We finally got some glorious rain last evening. We also got plenty of thunder and lightening. The temperature dropped from 95 to 80 within an hour of the rain starting (plus it was evening). We sat out on the porch for a while just enjoying the coolness that we had so been missing. So, if the scorching temps (100's) are indeed passed, and it rains a little more frequently than once a month, I will finally have to mow the yard. I haven't mown for over 3 weeks. It's been SO hot and SO dry that the grass hasn't been growing. Even after about a half an hour of the rain last night, you could see how much the grass liked it and looked a little more green than it had in quite a while.

Some friends visited with us on Wednesday! The temperature that day register 109*F on our porch, in the shade. Their son and our son played video games for a while while we adults talked. Eventually their daughter just HAD to swim, so everyone who was going to swim, got ready and headed for the pool. Since we (parents) get to swim pretty much any time we want, we let our guests and our son enjoy to pool. As far as I could tell, they had a great time. I was LOVELY, AWESOME to see them again. It had been way too long! They say they might come back one day next week. That would be wonderful!

Speaking of visiting friends, we have an appointment with a doctor on Monday morning, and while we're in town we're going to drop by another friends place. They have a pool too. Plus if everything goes as planned, there'll be two other families with kids there and we will have a blast!

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