Sunday, March 25

Birthday girl

... was missing in body today, but her spirit presided. Today we watched the 'English' version of The Rocky Horror Picture Show in remembrance of Rain Milligan and her favorite movie and music. She preferred the English (British) version because unlike American movies, the British ones aren't prudish. Lots of things about it evoked emotional memories of my dearest wife who has passed into the free-est dimension. Every scene, every song reminded me and her daughter of her. She loved, Loved, LOVED this movie, and owned the music soundtrack on CD, so we decided it would be a great way to remember her, honor her, and dwell in the love she showed to us. As he says in the movie, "And I did" (cry). We also went to the store and got her favorite thing, for all of us... CHOCOLATE. Yum!! I loved her, miss her every day, and will never be the same again, but because of her... I'LL BE BETTER! 

Happy birthday, Rain (aka Renee'). Hope you're enjoying heaven!

Todd @


Paganangel92 said...

Loved it! <3

Todd said...

Thank you! *warm hugs*

Anonymous said...

You know, I do not recall Rain ever telling me Rocky Horror was a favorite... but then, I can sort of see the two of us doing the Time Warp together. Some of my memories during the time I was real sick (and not completely aware of it) and during my treatments are very fuzzy; some are there and I have trouble accessing and some just are not there. Anyway, I played Columbia once, well two shows, so I guess I played her twice. I wonder if I still remember how to do the Time Warp. I don't have the movie or soundtrack.
They are not aware

Todd said...

I don't know if it was her favorite movie of all time, but it was definitely in her top 5 (don't ask me what four other were).

Cool, you played Columbia, eh? I'll have to pay more attention as to who that is the next time we watch it.

Anonymous said...

A hint:
My boyfriend is what was for dinner.
They are not aware

Todd said...

I have a hard time imagining you with short, red hair. In fact, I can't really see you in short hair period. Got any pictures from way back then?

Anonymous said...

I have had short hair but not since grade school; I had it pinned under a wig for the part. No pictures, sorry. The weirdest part was acting like I was tap dancing; it was kind of difficult.
In the early mid-90s (about a year before I played the part) I was on a public bus in Denver. There was only me, the driver, and a young woman that was deep in conversation with the driver while we were stopped waiting enough time to have passed that he wouldn't be at his next major stop too early. They were talking about Rocky Horror Picture Show which had just started another run at the Midnight Movies the week before. The gal told the driver that she did not think that Tim Curry should have done the part because it most likely would ruin his career. She missed the fact that his career had taken off in the *20 years* since he had done that movie. I kept my mouth shut (except for a bit of uncontrollable snickering) I wonder if I should have pointed out the flaw in her argument.