Monday, March 26

Morning, afternoon, evening, and a picture

I didn't think it was going to be a very good day. I woke-up and just did not feel like getting out of bed. I knew my son was up though and that made me think I probably should get up. I managed to stay in bed about another 15 minutes, but then the trash truck came to pickup the dumpsters and was very loud, at least it seemed that way at the untoward hour of 9, freaking, 30 in the morning. LOL. I don't know exactly why I didn't feel like getting up, I just didn't care if I ever got up. It could've been because yesterday, being Rain's birthday and the emotional roller coaster of emotions had zapped my life energy. Or it could've been that AND the more than usual amount of chocolate I consumed in her honor. Whichever it was, I was depressed. However, once I did get up, dressed, and wondered out to the living room, my mood went up. That's when I noticed that my son, surprisingly, had cleaned the litter box recently. He had also emptied the dishwasher and took a shower. I was thoroughly impressed that he did all that just like I had asked the night before.

Later in the day my daughter and I did a little, emphasis on little, grocery shopping. After we got home from doing that, we went swimming. The water is still chilly, but not bad, especially knowing the hot tub is right there if the pool water gets to us. LOL. So we swam, hot tubbed, swam some more, and laid in the sun some to work on our tans. Since we didn't know exactly what time it was, just that it was around 5 when we left for the pool, we decided to come back to the apartment. it turned out to be about 20 minutes passed 6 O clock. Showers were taken, some hot dogs were boiled, and supper was eaten. We wanted to go to an unschool support group meeting at a place called 'Central Park' near an H.E.B. grocery store, else we would've had a more substantial supper. We went to said park, but since we didn't know who else from our group would be there, and we don't have everyone's face memorized, nor were we positive we were at the correct park, we didn't meet with anyone. The park was really nice though, so we wondered around. We watched some ducks and a goose play in the pond/lake, sat on a bench enjoying the fresh, warm evening air, then walked around the pond to a bridge that crossed over it. While on the bridge we looked over the edge and saw a bunch of turtles which we believe were all snapping turtles. That would certainly explain why there were so many "no swimming" signs. I tried to get a phone-picture of them, but it didn't turn out. There was a parking garage that has it's front/side covered in green plants/vines that was cool, so I took a picture of that. And with that I bid you a fond farewell to the day. Hope you like the picture below.


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