Sunday, February 25


2/25/2018 12:42 PM

Here I am, up and awake for the most part. My plans for the day are to watch any NBA basketball games that are on, and if I can’t tune in to any of those, I'll see if I can find some college hoops. If none of those are available, then I suppose I’ll just watch some more of the series called, “The Magicians” on Netflix. I’m actually hoping to find some basketball to watch though. IF I get bored with any of that stuff, there is the possibility that I’ll drive to the grocery store. We really don’t need anything, but I could find a few things I am sure.

If you are reading this and you are on Facebook, then you’ve probably heard about the mass shooting in the school in Florida. There are all kinds of debates going on about who is to blame, what could’ve or should’ve been done to prevent it, etc. I’m not even sure why I’m talking about this, other than it is one way to fill-up some space on the page. If you want to know what I think though, I don’t really think it could’ve been prevented. I think someone who really wanted to kill a large group of people would’ve found a way to do it. And that’s all I have to say about that.

Okay, the cats are in play mode. I hear a ball with a rattle being batted around and being extremely noisy. Without even looking, I can tell you that it is Billie who is playing with the ball. It’s not that Millie doesn’t have the energy to do it, but Billie is the one that usually is.

Did I tell you I got a new cane? Well I did, and it’s decorated with a bunch of cats on it. Surprise! lol

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