Wednesday, November 27

The Latest

So here it is the day before Thanksgiving. What is your plan for tomorrow, the day that's called Thanksgiving? The plan for this family is to attend dinner at the relative's house of the relatives of my daughter's boyfriend. I just draw a blank for their official title. What I mean is that yes, they are definitely related to him, but I can't remember the relationship. I suppose it doesn't really matter. I just wish I could remember what I was told it was, that's all. I guess an asking is in order. I'd say his grandparents because that would make sense, but it seems as though I was told something else. I'm probably wrong.
I did indeed do like I suggested that I should, went and got boxes to pack our stuff in. Obviously I didn't do it just to collect boxes, though none of them have been filled. They're all just sitting in my bedroom waiting to have something put in them. Anyway, the plan on moving to Missouri has been changed. I have decided to stay in Texas. The reason is because my 18 year old son doesn't want there to be so much distance between his older sister and himself, which I can understand. As of right this minute the probable plan is to move to a small town/city named Burnet, TX (pronounced: Burn-it). There are only about 6600 residents there, whereas Austin has around 843,000, give or take. Quite the difference. Burnet is about 60 miles from here. My son and I drove there last week to give it a look-see, but ended up just visiting with a couple who lives there, that we met here about a year and a half ago, and didn't look around at all except driving in and out. Anyway, my plan is to go back on this Friday and actually look at places to rent. If there is anything, and I know there is, I have to make arrangements to move in around the middle of January, after the lease for this apartment expires. I'm just hoping that the weather is suitable for moving, which it has to be because we have to go somewhere. So I guess it doesn't matter what the weather is like. We plan on taking the furniture, which will probably include the wash machine and dryer, which means that I also have to arrange to rent a moving truck. U-Haul is pretty popular here (where isn't it, right?), so we'll probably go with them. Although a good friend of mine suggested that I look into someone like "Two Men and a Truck" and just let them move our stuff for us. Haven't done that yet, but will before the actual move.
So there ya go, that is the plan as of right now.

Tuesday, November 5

What to do, where to go

     Well, I should probably be going places and asking for moving boxes. Granted it won't take us long to pack, but I suppose it would make the moving situation seem more imminent. I am trying really, really hard not to stress myself or my son out. But the likelihood that he'll be able to find a job by January, that would make our base income enough to stay in this apartment is unlikely. I suppose we could get lucky. If he got *any* job we could *probably* get into a 1 bedroom at this complex without having to come up with a big deposit, since we've been here 2 years come January. With my father in-law helping, we'll be fine until January, but I need to talk with the apartment management and see if his help needs to be official (put in writing), or if my telling them that he says he'll help will be enough (assuming we stay here). It would just bother me to not be able to afford the rent if he couldn't help for some unforeseen reason, that and I feel bad that we'd be depending so much on him. On the other hand, he knows the situation and offered to help, so I suppose I should be thankful for it, which I am, I'm just saying that I don't want it to be a long-term commitment. So once more a decision has to be made about whether to stay in Texas or not. It would only be a 10 hour drive if I moved to Mountain Grove, MO. That's really not too far away from one (or both) of my kids, and it would be back in a rural setting, and there would be great friends fairly close. Or I could go somewhere closer like Burnet, TX, which is only about an hour's drive. Either place would be more affordable on a $1300/month budget. Or I could move back to Colorado, approximately a 13 hour drive, or New Mexico because my mother in-law would like that. I just don't *know* what to do. :-( But here soon a decision must be made. That means that I *really* have to get my 18 year old son so talk with me. *sigh* I suppose we could also look into a 3 bedroom place and put in an ad for a room-mate.
     In other news, my son now has the temporary (paper) state ID and is just waiting for the official, laminated one to come in the mail. We both now know that he can sign his name when he needs to, which I was worried about. He took it upon himself to practice over the weekend, knowing that he'd need to do it yesterday (on Monday). I am proud of him for that!