Monday, February 19


2/19/2018 12:32 PM

Slept a little longer than I was hoping to, but I suppose it’s not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. It’s not like I had to be up and get out of the house at any particular time. I will be going to an MS support group meeting this evening; leaving around 5 PM, but that isn’t for another 4 and a half hours.

A couple of days ago I asked E. if he needed to do laundry and he said (paraphrasing), “Maybe.” Well, today is the 3rd day since then, so I guess he really just should’ve said no. No worries. It isn’t like he needs to have clean clothes to meet anyone.

I remember several years ago when I was able to write an entire page of a journal, every day. Now I’m struggling to find things to say. I think part of it is that I am trying to say things that are personal, but not too personal that they can’t be put online. Of course there is also the wondering of “should I even worry about putting it online?” I think I should just be thinking about getting it into a file for now, and think about sharing it after that. I can always take out the stuff that I don’t want to share, later.

I can’t tell how windy it is outside; I can only tell that the wind chimes are making noise. I did look out the window earlier and noticed that the thermometer said it was almost 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Totally was not expecting it to be that warm today. Then again, it really isn’t like I actually thought about it.

The cats were running around, chasing each other, like nutso kittens, just a few minutes ago. It seems like they have calmed down. I am guessing that they are resting on my bed now, recharging for another round of ‘chases the other one’s tail.’ 

Then again I may have been wrong, as one of them just shot out of the bedroom and is meowing in a weird cat voice.
I am going to wrap this up and drink some coffee that has no pep (see yesterday’s blog.)


Lee said...

wow, 80 degrees???? I am so jealous!

Todd said...

I know, crazy, right? It's 11:43 PM and 72 *F, :-)

Unknown said...

I have been diagnosed of multiple sclerosis (ms) for 6 years now, i have used so many prescriptions fromm my doctor but never gave me a cure rather controlling the symptoms, my symptoms where ( constipation, depression, difficulty swallowing, difficulty thinking and understanding, flare, headache, heavy legs, numbness of face etc.), my health and life was gradually deteriorating more and more, so i took a glance on the internet and i found (GENERAL HERBAL HEALTH CENTER) a HERBAL MEDICINE HOME that can cure multiple sclerosis (ms), i gave a test to their herbal product because there is no harm in trying, i bought the medicine and it was shipped to my door step and i was very happy so i used the herbal medicine (note: this herbal medicine can be use/taken along with your doctors medical prescription, if you want to) i used this herbal medicine for 9weeks the results were wonderful, i started getting good result, my symptoms was gradually going for the best, i started getting healed, i can feel that because i know how i was before i started using the herbal medicine, and in 9 weeks i was cured totally.. thanks to general health center.
contact them today via email address: