Friday, March 21

Something different

Thought I would do something different today because, well, I can. That "something" is writing in my blog, even though I really don't have anything profound to say. I guess one could argue that I never do, so there's nothing different afterall. Anyway, I got 3 loads of laundry done yesterday, the fourth is on the line waiting to be brought in, and there's a blanket in the wash machine that needs to go out next. The last two things are going to be waiting until Rain and my dearest daughter wake and get up from their morning naps. Well, Rain will be getting up from her night of sleep, and our DD will be getting up from her morning nap (she was up long enough to feed chickens).

The weather yesterday was gorgeous, and today is looking like it's going to be the same. Unfortunately, me wifey was looking at the WeatherBug weekly forecast yesterday, and it said that there will be a possible chance of snow showers turning to rain on Sunday. Snow? NO! It's Spring, damnit! No more snow! Ah well, I guess that's life. *sigh*

I have been avoiding ALL news since this passed weekend. I decided that since I believe there is nothing that I can do about what the government is doing, will do, or has done, that I don't need to hear about it. In all honesty, it's been a little difficult because I got used to at least knowing what's going on. However, I talked about it with my wife and she agreed that if I want to stop getting pissed off about "the government", that I need to ignore it for a while. Thus I decided that I won't even go to any news sites until at least the first of April. Even then it will depend.

So there ya go. Aren't you glad I decided to write? Ha ha ha ha. By the way, everyone is doing fine, chickens are being chickeny, cats and dog are being what they are normally, and we humans are being ourselves. Oh yeah, the kids dyed some hard boiled eggs last night for Oestara. We'll be playing hide and seek with them some time today.

That's it. Bye!

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TheyDHD said...

Nice to hear the dog is still being her little drama queenish self. *chuckle*

Aaw, ad here I was hoping that I'd have you all on my campaign team. *wink*

Anonymous said...

I pretty much have done the same thing, regarding news. I read enough to keep apprised of anything that I need to know, then let it go. I feel more centered that way.