Thursday, April 8

Water Htr woes continued :-(

*still* don't know which thermostat is bad :-( Ran fine all day. I took a shower - still ok. Later DD took a shiwer, during which the reset button on the upper therm popped out & heater shut off. Afterward when I pushed the reset buttn in I heard a *pop*. Bth thrms were covered and I not sure if the pop was on top or bttm :-( Suggestions? We're going replace both therms w/ new ones andHOPE they're both good ones. Don't hav an Ohm meter to check the elements, sooooo???? :-( --


Lee said...

you are way out of my 'element' if you'll pardon the pun! Hope your hot water stays for good soon though.

Todd said...

v奎峰奎峰 - You are very welcome.

Lee - That's okay, I'm out of my element too, just doing guess work. Thanks for the hope.

Todd said...

By the way, figured out it was the lower element that was over heating the water and tripping the reset button. Found out by using an electricity/current tester. Put a lead on each of the element wires on the top one and the tester light went off when the element stopped heating. The lower element *never* shut off, so that one had to be the one. It's now off and waiting to be replaced. Meanwhile our showers are quicker and more efficient. *brr*