Thursday, February 5

Digital television deadline extended.

Hurry, hurry, hurry and get those digital televisions or those converter boxes ASAP before time runs out! But wait...

Speaking of the 18th...the original plan was that all television stations in the U.S would be switching to digital-only signals on 2-18. Heard on the news last night that congress didn't think enough people were ready, so they changed the deadline to June something, '09. In my not so humble opinion, that was just unnecessary because the people that wouldn't be ready would get ready or do without TV. I'm assuming that the government thinks too many people would opt out, not worry about it, or take their time to get the necessary equipment and the television networks would lose too much money. It's all about the bottom line...cold, hard, money!! In a sense I suppose they (stations) employ a LOT of people, so it would be better for the economy of the whole country if they didn't lose a lot of money and therefore have to fire people because they couldn't afford to pay them. Sigh! Yes, I know that's just the way the world works these days, and has been for a very long time. I suppose that because money and the hot pursuit of it has never been an obsession for me, it's hard accepting that it seems to be one for the majority or people. If I were better at accumulating it I would feel differently, but at the moment I am not so I don't.

And the worst part of it is... those damn commercials continuing for who knows how long.

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1 comment:

lovelife said...

we have dish so we will be ok tell the goverment changes that as well