Friday, May 26

Boxes of jars, mowing, and swimming

Good afternoon! Actually, it's now late afternoon almost evening. Okay, whatever you call almost 5:30 after 12:00 p.m. - good that! *smile*

It's been a hot yet lovely day - in the mid-to-high 80's (Fahrenheit). We went to town earlier to do a little grocery shopping and get some boxes for Rain to put her TONS of glass jars in, so we would have a bit more space for dishes :-) She filled two big apple boxes with them :-)

Apple boxes full of jars

We also stopped and ate at McDonalds because I was starving. Didn't eat breakfast like I should've. Bad, bad man! :-) After we got home and the groceries were brought in and put away, I decided to use the last of the gas in the mower to get some mowing done. Here's a couple of pictures of the yards so you believe me. *smile*

The front yard

The back yard

Back yard

You already know what my wife was doing, but do you know what the kids were up to? I didn't think so. They spent, have been spending actually, the last couple of hours swimming :-) Good day for it, it's HOT out there.

The kids' afternoon

Hope you had a lovely day. Now it's just about time to feed those chickens and take the dog for a walk-about :-)


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