Monday, May 22

Quamana 3.0 vs 2.0

I now have a blog on You can find it at

This is the 2nd post. The first one was just an announcement basically that I have on at blogspot. Right now I am using Quamana 3.0 as my blog editor/poster. The only thing I don't like about this beta version is that if you want to change the font of your writing, you have to do it manually. If it's not too small, I may not have to change it. We'll see after this get published, since I don't know what the default size is. I like the feature of being able to "justify" the paragraphs in this version, but you can't in 2.0. Gain something, losing something, depending on which version you use. And yes, I did send an email to support :-)

Another thing that version 2.0 has that 3.0 doesn't, is the "Post Email" function. With 3.0, I'm going to have to cut and past it to anyone but the default email addy :-(

Something else I think I'll like about blogspot, is that you can set it up to automatically send the blog to one email address, so of course I set it to send to PFS :-)

I also downloaded version, that allows you to change the font size easily just like in email, but I can't get it to post to livejournal, even after trying the same settings that worked in 3.0. :-(

In both versions, as for the Zoundry program, photos are done the same way, by uploading them to a different site and linking to those photos. Photos are the reason I'm trying out blogspot. They give you 300 Mb of photo space, whereas LiveJournal only gives you a certain amount of them, and I can only post 3 more there :-(


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