Saturday, April 14

Cats picture. Snow. Politics

Rain asked me just a few minutes minutes ago, "What're you doing, bloggin?" To which I replied, "No, I don't have anything to say!" And that's still true, although it appears as though I am saying something. *smile*


I took this picture last night of just a "few" of our cats that were on the sofa with me. I was watching TV and looked over because I was bored and thought, "Hmm... I should take a picture!" So I did. Actually, I took two, but the other one was almost identical so I deleted it and saved this one.

Like I said though, not much to report. Although I guess that since it's April and we don't normally get snow, that's something to mention. Although I didn't see it, my wife told me while she was trying to get me out of bed, that this morning it started out raining while they were out feeding the birds, then not long afterward it turned to sleet, then small flakes, then LARGE flakes of snow. Snow!? It's frikkin' April, man! *smile* But the ground is so warm (albeit wet from 2 days of rain), that the snow pretty much melted as soon as it hit. YAY!

Other than that, just doing humdrum sort of days, especially the last 2, and now today because it's STILL overcast and gloomy outside :-( I really hope SPRING becomes more obvious soon. I miss the sun.

You may have noticed that I been posting political stuff more than usual, that's because I don't have much of a life myself that's "news worthy", so I'm posting "information" hoping that someone with authority that can't do something about that stuff and make all the hate and killing stop before the United States falls apart socially, economically, and democratically (it's looking more and more UNlike a 'Democracy' in my opinion).

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lovelife said...

your cats look like ours lol

Todd said...

They do? Cool? :-)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I told Patrick we should get a bigger couch because both dogs want to lay on the couch when we are on it. They, unlike your cats, don't like to lay down touching each other! lol

Weather? April showers... my cousin brought me some plants yesterday and I had to race to get them in the ground before nightfall (chocolate mint, some other mint, maybe blackberry, two thompson seedless grape vines, and one chardonnay). Today, it's cold and raining (almost looks like hail). Maybe this means it won't be such a dry summer!