Tuesday, January 13

Just writing.

Beaded curtain

Turn this picture clockwise by 90 degrees to see that it's hanging on the door leading into the billiard's room, aka pool room but it just sounds like there should be a swimming pool in there, not a table. I don't know. *grin*

Well, I've read several blogs over the last few days. Which in turn has made me ponder if I should write something. You probably guessed the answer. *smile* Although I must admit I don't know WHAT the words will be in future sentences. Yeppers, I'm wingin' it! We have the book about writing and one of the motivational sayings in it is "Just Write". So I figured I would just start typing and see what appeared.

Over the last few to several weeks we've been watching shows with television judges who're hearing cases from people suing other people for whatever (small claims). You know, just average persons. It's crazy. Crazy! I tell ya what people sue for when it seems from the outside looking in they should just TALK to each other. But I guess they've tried that and now want to force the issue. These shows have been around forever. I remember "The People's Court" in the 80's, but there might've been other 'Court' shows before, I don't know. Anyway, you'd think people would bring PROOF and if AT ALL possible... WITNESSES. Mostly they just don't have proof in writing. That should be in the Suing 101 classes somewhere. Well, that's all I've got. SEE ya!


Lee said...

"billiards room" sounds so veddy, veddy british! LOL Pretty curtain though. I never did learn how to play pool.

Todd said...

Yeah about the British sound name for pool table areas.

Glad you like the curtain. A friend gave that to us just last week.

Pool's not difficult, just takes practice and patience :-) If you come to visit we'll teach you. *smile*