Monday, December 21

Happy Yule! Winter Solstice

Welcome to the first day of the historical "New Year",

also known as...

The Winter Solstice

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Monday, December 14

Good Monday

Had a decent day. Got some Presents purchased, so we're all ready for the big day of Yule to open them. Plus we'll be have goodies such as cookies that day as well. Got the trash burned outside, couple loads of laundry washed, dried, and put away. Hung a fan above the break room door. Also took the full bag of aluminum to the shed and out put a new one in the barrel. That was our day. Now just waiting for the Monday night television line-up to come on (Two and a Half Men) and hoping I can get a free video and audio stream on-line of the last Monday Night Football game of the season. Almost forgot... got the Holiday Cards written and signed for family and friends to go out tomorrow! Woot!


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Sunday, December 13

Saturday, December 12

Raven pictures

Got far off pictures of them in the trees out back, so today when they were in the front yard I took the below pictures. About 15 seconds after I took the last picture they all flew away. Click 2 enlarge.


Raven(s): front yard


Raven(s): front yard


Raven(s): front yard


Raven(s): front yard


Raven(s): front yard


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Festivized Buckethead pics

Got some prettier duct tape for Annebelle's bucket so she looks more festive. Plus we shortened the bucket by about an inch so that eating, drinking, and playing fetch is easier.






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Friday, December 11

Bucket-headed dog n stuff

Annabelle w bucket on headThis is Annabelle with her medicinal bucket over her head. See, when we got her about a month ago, she had been spayed just a day or two before we found her at the shelter. We've been hoping the scar on her tummy would heal by itself by now. It must really itch, because even after putting ointment on it daily and nightly, it hasn't because she licks it off almost immediately. Last night we decided that if it's ever going to heal then she needs to stop licking it, so I made the bucket in the picture for her to wear until the scar heals. She doesn't really like being a bucket head, but has adapted pretty well just since last night.


Winterized doorYesterday we got 4 of the last 5 windows sealed with clear plastic to help keep the winter air from coming in so easily. The last window is actually 2 that are side-by-side in the plant/break room on the north side of the house. We'll be putting thick/clear shower curtain plastic over those within the next day or two. Also yesterday, I put a foam-backed curtain over the bathroom window where the sun shines directly in either blinding you or trying to cook you when you're on the potty during the day. Today I put up another curtain, this time over the plant/break room metal door. Used Velcro and staples to hold it in place so that we can easily let the dog in and out. Speaking of Velcro, if we're here next year, I'm going to use it to put the heavy, clear shower curtains/winter plastic over the windows so that when winter is over we can just pull the curtains off. Then it'll be quicker and easier to winterize the windows.


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Thursday, December 10

Gamer fixes online game

I knew my gamer, who plays mostly online games these days was smart. He plays the Nintendo-type games online. Anyway, yesterday he was playing one and said, "There was a terrible 'lag' in the game, so I fixed it and now it's normal speed". Don't know what that means exactly, but we were impressed that he even knew how to fix an online game to play better on the PC. *proud smile* P.S. He turned 14 this year :-)

Monday, December 7

House of Christmas Lights Complete

Okay, I am now out of lights for outside the house. This is our Holiday House Completed :)

House Christmas Lights

Sorry for the blurriness, I don't know what's up with that :-(


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Saturday, December 5

Christmas Lights

We've been here 9 years, and this is the *first* year we've put lights on the house at this time of year. How sad is that?
Anyway, no more hum bugginess for us! If we can afford it I'd like to add more.

2009 Christmas/Yule lights


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Sunset pics of Dec 4 2009

Took these on the way home last night. Click em to biggen :-)

Dec 4. 2009 sunset

Dec 4. 2009 sunset

Dec 4. 2009 sunset


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Tuesday, December 1

Ex Chicken tractor, yard mown, new compost bin

As I told you a couple of days ago, prior to building the raised bed for Rain, I had to get a couple of Two by Fours off the ex chicken tractor. The below picture is what it now looks like completely demolished. May or may not find uses for the scrap Two by Fours, but what I don't re-use will either be burned or just tossed in the "brush" pile.


chkntrktr first view


This is just another angle of what's above :)
ex chicken tractor in demolished mode
(clicking enlarges)


This is one of the reason I took the chicken tractor apart today, besides giving the front and back yard the last mow of the season :)
Freshly mown ex chicken yard
(2 enlarge - just click it!)


A while back I said I was going to build a compost bin. The below pics are of it and of course a cat :)
compost bin view one

2nd view of the compost bin, plus 1 of our cats - Moon
(click to enlarge a little bit)


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