Wednesday, June 27

Baby chicks, and pictures (cats, candy, bugs, food, people)

ANNOUNCEMENT: We have at least 9 more chicken babies! Can't really see them well as their mom is VERY protective. Therefore I've got no pictures... yet.

But I am not w/o pictures. I recently figured-out how to take close-up pictures with my camera, so here are a few of the 'shots' I took.

Bet ya can't guess what this is. *grin*

Pretty self-explanatory.

This is Dally (short for Dalmatian - she's spotty).


This is my wife.

These are a couple of beetles that were in the house last night, and thrown back out unharmed.
june-bug.jpg beetle.jpg

The first one is a June-Beetle, and the 2nd I don't know.

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Anonymous said...

Ew! I hate those June beetles! My first run in with one was as a teenager. I was laying in bed when I heard buzzing and something hitting the wall. Flipped on the light, saw nothing. Turned off the light, buzzing. DROVE ME NUTS! I finally found the thing when it managed to land on the lamp shade.

Todd said...

So, did you squash it, thow it ourside, yell for someone to save you? What? We're lucky in that they rarely get in because the cats like to try and catch them. Don't know if they'll eat them, but they'll knock them off the door if they can. *smile*