Friday, June 15

Laundry. Mowing. Moving things. Painted window.

I had yet another busy day, got quite a bit done, and I'm not even done yet (still need to bring clothes in off the line and put some up once the wash machine is done). *smile* Started the morning at 7 am, got the chickens fed and watched a little news. Then I started a couple of hamburgers cooking for my daughter and I. While those were cooking I put some clothes in the washer (1st of 3 loads). We ate our burgers, by that time the news was over so I watched an episode of "Charmed". By the time that was over, my wife was up and about. I talked with her for a while, then I went out and hung the clothes on the line.

This is actually the 2nd load

Then I took a break *grin* and then went and got the mower out of the shed and rode it around for a while. We have A LOT of grass that could be mown, and would if the price of a gallon of gas wasn't so expensive, but since we want to save the gas for areas that actually *need* to be mown, we decided that it would be okay and even fun to just mow paths around and through the field to wherever we want to look around in. Like, there's an area over yonder where we want to get rocks for the fire pit from, so I made a path to there. Then theres an area where my wife sowed some oat seeds, so I mowed a path around that so we could get closer to them. Then there's the pond. Can't mow all the way TO the pond, but I got a path to go pretty close to it if we'd like to look at it once in a while (although we haven't been). Then I made yet another path out back by the Walnut trees so that we can walk past them while on a walk for instance. Basically I was thinking the whole time, "If we were to start walking around the place, where would I want to go?", and made the paths accordingly. *smile*

Mowed chicken yardSpeaking of mowing, I also mowed the chicken yard because I got tired of walking through knee-deep grass when I was out feeding them, and risking getting ticks.

guinea-coop.jpgAnd last but not least, I got the old "Guinea coop" mowed from beside the woodshed to beside the chicken coop.


This is a picture of the window that Rain painted coral last night. Notice the purple duct tape? That's one of the colors we'd think would be okay to paint the other posts, if we can't get turquoise.

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Anonymous said...

Oooh! Turquoise would be great! Or, how about stripes with both colors (you know, like one of those lights outside a barber shop)? Dang, I'm having fun with your house!

lovelife said...

Hi gas prices still suck when you have a big yard. we have just been mowing the yard every 2 weeks and not every week like we should.
Love the new look you are doing on the house.
hope you all have a fun weekend.

Todd said...

Bnolen: "Turquoise would be great! Or, how about stripes with both colors (you know, like one of those lights outside a barber shop)?"

Nah, but possibly wrapping with ribbon on holidays. I think actually painting them like a barbershop pole would be too much work.

Todd said...

Lovelife: "Love the new look you are doing on the house."

Thanks, we really like it too, and will like it even more when we get more of it done :-)