Thursday, August 23

Our week

As someone else mentioned, we went to a birthday/unbirthday party on Monday. Had a good time visiting with friends like Ameryeth whom we hadn't seen for close to a year. Also hadn't seen the Whimsperation lady and her family in a long time either. There was also the writer of the blog called "Thoughts of a Goddess" and her family who we hadn't seen in way too long as well. Although I had originally planned on swimming that day, the trip there was precarious - it rained the whole way there, which put a damper on my swim-mood. That and my son had said, "It's cold!" after he jumped in the water. Hence, although it was warm enough, I chose not to partake in the water games. Yeah, later on I felt kind of guilty for not swimming, and thinking I probably came off as a party pooper. I hope not, but  I still feel like I may have. *sigh* Well, part of the reason I was a little down while there was because I grew more and more envious of everyone except me who had high speed Internet, and I let it get to me. That's because just about everyone we know has it - and we don't. *sigh* And until we can get better fencing and some meat animals (cows would be the easiest to prepare for, but they cost money too), we can't afford $50/month for Satellite Internet. Oh, we have chickens, but because their free range area is quite large, they're very tough after butchering them. Besides which, one can only eat so much chicken/one thing. Even if was had cows, it would take a while before we ate them, most likely because they're cheaper to buy when they're young, and that's probably when we'd buy one or more with our on our limited income (social security disability). Anyway, our daughter decided to stay with our friends until today, Thursday, so we came home on Monday evening without her. That's the first time since 1999 that she's been gone overnight and us not tucking her into bed. Even our dog missed her. She (the dog) went out and sniffed the doors of the van thinking our DD would be coming out. Was very cute! I can hardly wait to hear of her adventures, and give her a big hug and kiss. We've missed her!

On Monday I also had a doctor's appointment (neurologist). Nothing to report of any significance. It was just a check-up. I was hoping he would give me samples of the 2 medications that he prescribed that the prescription insurance won't pay for (each would be over $100), but he didn't give me any samples.

Today we went to the store, got some groceries and a switch for the pool pump. I installed it shortly after getting home, and I was right, the switch we had installed just a few weeks ago had gone bad. We think water must've gotten inside the casing and caused the switch to burn out. There was a hole in the bag we had over it, where the switch protruded. I put on a new bag today, and will check it more often to make sure another hole doesn't develop.

How's your week/day been?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a good week, overall!