Wednesday, August 8

Pix of a cat, chicks, hens, roosters, book, and flies

Just happened to feel like taking some pictures, so now I'm just going to share them with you :-)

This first one is of "Spot" sleeping like a baby on my wife's lap
clik 2 enlarge

This next one is of the latest and last Harry Potter book that my wife and daughter each read in 2 days.
clk 2 enlarge

The next 3 are of some of the chicks. All but one is approximately 7 weeks old (it's the one in the last chick pic in the middle of the 3). The smallest one is only 3 weeks old.

clik 2 make bigger

clikking enlarges

Yep, it can be biggened :)

Go ahead... click

Make it grow

Speaking of the kind of wildlife we get to see every so often, late yesterday afternoon my wife saw a big ol' raccoon. Hopefully we were able to scare it with the sound of a shotgun going off, and he won't be back anytime soon. *crossing fingers*

Then today I saw what I think was a young doe. I stood as still as I could and just stared at it for a few minutes before it wandered off. Pretty and pretty cool, if'n I do say so myself.

And last and probably least, I wanted to see just how close I could get the camera to the fly on the log, and these are the results. I must apologize in advance because they're not as focused as I was hoping for. And of course all it takes is a click on any of them to see a larger view.




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1 comment:

TheyDHD said...

Great fun pics. Thanks!