Monday, February 4

Spinning lady. Errands. Voting.

Which way does YOUR brain think she's spinning? I see both ways if I watch for a few minutes, and sometimes not even that long. Seriously, check it out and then tell me what you saw.

We had a good day. The weather was absolutely gorgeous. I think the high was in the mid 70's - IN FEBRUARY!? Not complaining one iota. In fact I'd be perfectly content if today was the first day of Spring.

We were "out and a boot" for about 5 hours running errands. Drove around 60 miles today. Stopped at the drivers license bureau to renew my expired license, only to find out that I should've taken my birth certificate with me. I did however have "proof of residence and a social security number", and my looks haven't changed (much), but without that indispensable certificate de la birth, I couldn't get it done. Sigh! Then we stopped by some 'official' building downtown to see about getting passports. My! God! $100 each for adults older than 15, but not much less for the under 15 - $85. So it's gunna cost $370.00. YIKES! Well, we'll eventually have enough... this year. We got the applications though and will be filling-out all 4 forms while we save the money.

Went and got some chicken 'chops' and then stopped for lunch at Taco Bell/KFC. It just hit me of the irony of the chicken food and then chicken AS the food. LOL.

Off to the bigger city 30 miles away to do the major monthly shop, get smokes, and fill the gas tank with petrol. Back home we came and unloaded all that crap, but we shouldn't need much more crap for a while, unless we get 'the munchies'. *grin*

The rest of the afternoon and evening have been pleasant. Outside temps still in the mid 60's. I just love it!!

Saturday, aka Groundhog's day/Imbolc we had some friends over for chili, crackers and chips. Talked quite a bit, and even watched a bit of television before they had to leave. Wish Amy wouldn't have had a headache, but she's a good mom and knew her son really wanted to see and visit with ours, so she came. Had she not told us about the head pain, we'd have never known. Should give her a call and see how she's feeling. Probably should talk to her husband and see what 'the latest' is on the van rear end he bought but needs to bring to the shop is.

Wellzers, lads and ladies, that's all I've got. Oh, one more thing... If it's a nice enough day tomorrow I'll be putting up my "Vote Ron Paul" sign in the yard. Granted, don't know how much influence it'll have in this rural of a setting, but ya never know I guess.

And don't forget to vote on Tuesday. RON PAUL, RON PAUL, RON PAUL.

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