Just saw something on a PBS channel about a dead president from a long time ago. Did NOT interest me at all because I don't think ONE person is really all THAT important to the world. Like a raindrop in the ocean. Which one is more important than the other? One drop isn't. That's why people said to be important by other people I don't know, simply isn't important in the grand scheme of things. Just because YOU think they were or are doesn't mean I do or even should. That's another reason why I haven't been uploading my journal pages or writings as often, to my blog site or other social network(ing) sites. I guess I would be really surprised if someone found this page after I die and think, "Woo, now this changes everything!" I think not! Of course that's why I am having a really hard time believing that a book that I write, which contains writing I did years ago will ever sell. I'm just not understanding why people think what they think means something or will mean something ever. I was saying to Rain just last night that my biggest issue with Christians asking me whether I believe in God or not. Why do they care? Do they get a private suite in heaven when they die if I say yes? Does God give them credit or something? I'm sorry, but I just do not get it! It may or may not mean piddly tomorrow after they wake-up. Probably won't even remember me. Perhaps they'd feel that they did something important. Seriously. Do they really think God is keeping score? I just don't think so.
We drove into Buffalo today and picked-up a prescription that I called in asking for a refill. Not surprisingly, at least not to me, they did indeed give me another pill bottle that looks exactly like the last one I had with the same type of pills a month ago. Technically nothing got refilled, just duplicated. I know, it's all semantics. We also got 4 cans of cola and other stuff.
When we were waiting in line to pay for our groceries, there was a man ahead of us. The cashier was saying what she thought were humorous things to him and he gave absolutely no inclination he heard her or even cared. I thought that was just rude of him to totally and completely tune her out. When it was our turn to be serviced I made an extra effort to talk to her and interact. Hopefully that means some day when I need a good word put in about me or my family, that someone I didn't even know was paying attention remembers that I tried to make her day even a tiny bit happier. Aw! LOL.