Wednesday, November 12

Comfy chair and other stuff

Color me comfortable in my new chair. You see, the other one got switched with the really uncomfortable desk chair, that uncomfy one was moved here, but I couldn't get comfy so I had a folding chair for about a week. Had a little extra (beginning of month) and we used part of that today for this 50 dollar chair. The rest went for some crack sealing stuff and various household items like food and stuff. In case you're wondering... we had to go to Lebanon so we went to lunch, then Wal-Mart, and obviously came home after that (maybe not though, but we don't have a notebook PC so it was obvious to me anyway). Oh yeah, and we stopped in a hardware/building supply store and bought a new chain for the chainsaw (what other kind would it be for?).

I should be outside cutting the tree that I couldn't yesterday because of a dull chain. It wouldn't to split some of the dryer stuff either. Perhaps I can get one of the teens to do that while I'm dismantling that felled tree.

At some point today, later, I want to work on the book editing for at least an hour before I get back to doing the email and web thing.

I've been wondering all day why my back is sore. Now I know. Because I spent a while laying on the kitchen's linoleum while foaming the gap underneath the bottom cabinets last night.

Later we also need to put plastic over A's window, the bathroom window and the pool room window. Maybe later today, maybe not, I just know that eventually we'll get that done.

Gosh, I keep thinking of new things to say after I write what I thought was the last thing I had to say. Anyway, just wanted to add that we also got another portable, thermostatted heater. Right now it's in the living room, but it will also be used in the pool room when needed. I still wonder sometimes how much our electric bill would go up if we just used the portable heaters in each room and not use the wood stove at all. Then I remember that the wood stove actually isn't that hard to heat up as long as we have wood. Right now we do, and we'll have enough to get us through the winter, I'm just wondering "what if?"


TheyDHD said...

Congrats on the new-to-you chair, I'm glad you are doing well. *smile* We just finished rearranging the kitchen ourselves, and got a bunch of home-remodeling junk for our place as well. Yaaay for getting things done! *smile*

Todd said...

Thanks, and congrats to you as well.

lovelife said...

Cool tha you got a new chair. You allways sem to be doing alot of stuff around the house. Wish storm was back home to work on ours lol


Todd said...

Yeah, it is a cool chair. Different from the other one at the other computer because it forces you to sit upright. Perhaps this is the secrateries chair? I don't know, but it takes getting used to after having the one you can lean back in, here. *smile*

Fairie Mom said...

Sounds like you are getting going on all the same winter prep stuff we got going on around here!
Hope your back feels better soon!

Todd said...

Yeppers we are. Almost there too. Just 3 more windows to plasticize and we're done. YAY!