Wednesday, August 16

Getting it done

Wednesday, August 16, 2017 - 4:32 PM
                        Got up and started with the thing I’ve been thinking of doing for a while now – getting the modem and router to get a wireless connection, off of the floor (attached to the wall). Got that done, then had no internet connection to the Roku stick or my computer. I kept unplugging and restarting the modem and router to no avail. Switching the cords into different ports on said devices, again to no avail. I was frustrated. Hadn’t even had any coffee, though it was made and waiting for me to drink, but I was on a mission. After sitting on the couch to rest and think, I tried plugging cords into different ports and got them correct, FINALLY,  therefore I was up and running on the TV and Internet. Then I had some coffee!
                        I cooked a frozen pizza for my son and I since my mission was completed. I washed and cleaned-up the dishes in the kitchen, drank some coffee and watched a couple episodes of CSI Miami.
I got a little vacuuming of the floor where those devices had been sitting, done. I vacuumed around the sofa, as well as under the sofa cushions.
Got my teeth brushed and the sink wiped out too. Then some wiping of dirt/dust off the floor, along the wall, with a wash rag was done.
Computer Time!

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