Monday, August 14


Monday, August 14, 2017
3:49 PM
            That’s interesting; no email. It’s unusual for me to not have any when my computer is first turned on, especially after it’s been off since before midnight this morning. Oh well, I suppose it’s not the end of the world.
            For the first time in 4 or so days, I did not want to get out of bed this morning. So, I went to the restroom and went back to bed. However, I told myself that I really should get up, so only stayed in bed another 20 minutes. Then I went to the kitchen and took my daily medicines. Next was to the bathroom to shave and take a shower. After the shower, I got dressed, put on my shoes, and drove a few errands. Included during the aforementioned errands was a stop at the car wash. Pulled through the wash area and into the vacuuming area where I vacuumed out the car. Now it’s clean inside and out; well, except for the inside of the windows. From there I went to the corner store and got myself a large cappuccino (Hazelnut).
            Got home and watched a couple of TV shows while munching on some slices of summer sausage.
            Over the weekend, I found out that I have to give a speech at my daughter’s wedding. Well, I’ve never given a public speech, so I’m a little nervous.
            OK, that's enough from me. How are you doing today?


Lee said...

you'll do great with the speech. It is such a special day!

Todd said...

Thank you for saying so, Lee. I did give a speech, well, more of a toast. Even then I felt myself choke-up a little, as if I went any longer I would start crying.