Friday, November 23

Wonderful Thursday

Had some family friends come with a turkey that they cooked the night before, with sweet potatoes, and some soda. Meanwhile deciding when the best time to eat would be, we stood and sat around talking while the kids did their own things. Had some chips, dip, tomato pickles, turkey, sweet taters, and drinks.

After they left, another family donning turkey, bread (regular and corn). Rain made a pie, brownies, and cookies, all of which I didn't get enough of. *g*

K and myself then worked on getting the other/fast computer running, but it was deemed that the motherboard wasn't working for whatever reason, so the computer was taken apart so we'd have some spare parts (RAM, hard-drives, cables, etc). Thanks K! Now THIS computer is sporting TWO hard drives, although trying to max-out the RAM caused it to not boot-up. But hey, it's a little better than it was, only with more memory to store programs and stuff. *smile*

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