Sunday, November 18

Wrist-pads, computer stuff, season to...

Well, I made myself a wrist-pad for my keyboard (computer. Is there anything else.*g*) to see if that would help me hit the correct keys on a regular basis. So far, so good.

Speaking of computers. The black, ribbed part of the backrest was looking kind of ratty, so I decided to 'pretty it up'. *cheesy smile* Yep, because the chair as a whole was just so damned pretty to start with, with that nifty seat cushion. LOL.

Today we got an email from a friend who we hadn't heard anything from for almost a month (guess). They're fine. And a public "Happy Birthday T" from this family.

Haven't been up to much. Since it became 'close to needing a fire every morning' season, just haven't been real motivated. But now, it's not quite that season yet, so theoretically it would be a good time to do outdoorsy stuff. Oh, I don't know, things like target practice with the bow or something. *grin* Mostly just been walking back and forth between the smoking house and the main one. Laundry gets done as needed. That usually means when the bathroom hamper is full. That's where we put most of the clothes we wear regularly right before showering. Today it's not full. YAY!

Yeah, there is NFL Football on, but I just can't seem to get into it. Hence why the 'puter tunes are on and I'm blogging. Already read what email had came in, everyone else was still asleep or taking naps, and I needed to "connect" with someone. Lucky you, eh? *snicker* But now my wife and daughter are up, so I should spend some time with them. See ya later!

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TheyDHD said...

Adorable! *laugh*

Todd said...

Thanks. *grin* That's my "creativity"for ya!