Sunday, February 18

Morning shift, afternoon delight

It a beautiful Winter day today, it's in the 50's :-) And to think, just the other day it really *felt* like Winter (20's/30's w/wind). I hadn't been outside until about an hour ago because, well, didn't feel like it. LOL. Got up this morning at approximately 10 after 7. After I got a drink of water and woke-up a few minutes, my and my DD went outside. She carried a water jug to fill/top off the chicken/duck waterers and I followed. I stopped at the shed and got them some food while she let them out of the coop. Then we came in and she came right back to the 'puter, while I got a fire started, to take the chill off. It was about 63*F when we got up. Then I watched TV for a while, while keeping an eye on the stove. Once the fire was burning well enough that I didn't have to be *right* there with it, I made my DD and I each a hamburger for breakfast. Eventually Rain got up. I had started the water boiling for some tea so she could have some while waking up. The tea was done about 15 minutes later and we each had a cup while we watched TV. Shortly after drinking my tea, and after she changed the channel, I eventually dozed-off. After I woke up around noon I guess, I took a shower. YAY! LOL. Later on Rain read some email while I watch more TV (yes, we do that a lot). Around 15 after 4 we went out and fed the birds, checked for eggs, and split some wood. Not sure if we'll need to make a fire tonight, but just in case we do, we have the wood inside. We're getting pretty low on wood, so we need to start being more frugal on the frequency of having fires. Not so frugal that we freeze of course. Ah, what am I talking about, we'll start fires when we need to. We'll have the wood when/if we need it. This week it's supposed to be warmer than last. One day this week will be in the 50's, the rest will be in the 60's and Friday it's even supposed to be in the 70's, and the lows in the 30's and 40's. THAT is the kind of weather we like! *grin* I'm thinking it'll be a good week to get some of those fallen limbs cut into firewood and stacked in the wood-shed. Yeah, I think so, I really think so. *smile*

Well, we plan on visiting some friends on Tuesday before my appointment with the doctor. Looking for to visiting with the friends, not so much with the doctor. Ah well, it's got to be done.

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Anonymous said...

I'm glad it finally warmed up for you. Have fun visiting with your friend!

lovelife said...

Hope you have a nice trip to see the dr and to see your friends. its going to be a nice week in this part of mo.