Monday, March 5

Our weekend...

...was pretty good. Didn't do anything all that exciting. Just things like a few loads of laundry, a few loads of dishes got ran through the dishwasher, split enough wood to have fires a couple times a day. Well, actually, we only had one fire on Saturday and one on Sunday in the mornings. We're *very* low on wood, so we're trying to limit the amount of fires we burn in the stove. We *think* if we can limit ourselves to only one fire per day that we'll have enough to get through March, providing the daytime temperatures don't stay cold for very long when they happen. Mostly our weekend was spent indoors watching television, playing video games, and being on the computer surfing the 'net, reading & responding to email. Today we plan on getting outside and cutting some more of the downed branches into firewood. In one area there's a tree that fell that was dead before it did, so that will provide some wood that's already dry, for the most part. There are some Oak branches out back that have been down for a while (since the ice storm), so hopefully they'll not be too 'wet' and we can burn them if we *need* to. Have a nice day! :)

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Anonymous said...

I bet those oak branches won't be too wet. Use them after you have a roaring fire (been there, done that). The heat will dry them out further. O.k. I have to log off now!

lovelife said...

hope you do not run out of wood. we have alot to cut up after the storm b ut we have 2 fireplaces to burn it in so we will end up buying wood next year i bet.
I am happy that you all had a nice weekend.
hope you have a good week.