Sunday, September 14

Digital signal was weak

... or non existent whenever it was over-cast and/or raining. We would only get channel 33 (Kstv-Springfield), but all others were snow/static. I wrote them all an email last night asking if they would be strengthening their signal before or by Feb. 13 so we could watch tv during thunderstorms or cloudy days. After it was all said and done, it turns out that once we moved the RCA Digital Converter Box to the top of the entertainment system (was in the middle compartment next to the tv with wood all the way around it), we got ALL those channels. I sent them a message saying, "My bad!" for assuming it was their fault. Just thought I would mention it in case someone else was having the same problem. Plus if you're wondering why they can't just change frequencies before the deadline, to make the signals even stronger, it's because they have to go through the FCC before they can. Just another FYI.

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