Saturday, May 12

Busy, busy. Mother's Day!

Let it be known that just because I don't have to go to work anymore (disability), that I do get things done around the place. *smile* I know you know that, but it's called a "segue" (3) into what I want to tell that I've gotten done so far today, in no particular order. *grin*

  • Blanket washed, hung out, brought in

  • Load of laundry washed and put on the clothes line

  • Started a second load of laundry in the washing machine

  • Emptied and re-loaded the dishwasher

  • Ate breakfast

  • Played 4 on-line games at BlizzardFanClub and didn't win any of them

  • Read (pronounced: red) & responded to some email

  • Cut a branch off of a tree using a bow-saw

  • Watched the news on DemocracyNow, although it was just the first part (headlines) of Fridays newscast

I do have plans to watch an NBA Playoff game at 4 p.m. CST (and another if my wife allows me to), and I'm considering whether or not to get some more of the grass mowed.

Probably should take a shower sometime today too.

Oh yeah, and we (family) went to the store and got my dear wife a few Mother's Day presents. Did you know that Mother's day was originally started as a war protest?

In the United States, Mother's Day was copied from England by social activist Julia Ward Howe after the American Civil War with a call to unite women against war. She wrote the Mother's Day Proclamation.

Anyway, the washing machine just stopped, so I've got to go. Have a nice day.

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Anonymous said...

You made me tired just reading that post! Let me see, what did I do: watered the dogs, sat on my rear, sat on my rear, and sat on my rear.


OH! And watched Patrick put gauges in the truck (had to stand for that one).

Todd said...

And rest assured, *I* was tired after all that too, yet satisfied :-)