Friday, May 4

Rare posting, Congress numbers, Iraqi blogs, laundry

As you probably *didn't* notice, I haven't been writing in my blog much lately. Yeah, I've posted a few article excerpts and links, some pictures, but nothing all that personal or original. I haven't been writing because compared to SO MANY others, my life/activities aren't important (i.e. store, laundry, vacuuming, yard work, etc). We have hardly any money, so we don't travel far because we don't have the extra for gas money upon our return from a long trip. Therefore we don't visit friends more than a couple of times a year. And because our friends aren't much better off financially, they don't visit us more that a couple of time a year. I feel bad for the kids because we SUCK at making real life friends, and the ones we do have are usually busy doing something else.

I've been trying to keep up on the news about the Iraq, Afghanistan, and other political stuff, even though I can't change anything that I'm aware of, at least not quickly. Which reminds me, in the u.S. you can call your public officials toll free at any of these numbers: 800-828-0498, 800-459-1887 or 800-614-2803.

I've been browsing a few of the blogs from Iraqi's that I found on the Iraq Blog Count, which I found at the Independent Media Center. One in particular that I found interesting is from an Iraq Atheist. I checked it out because I just wanted to see how an Atheist sees things in a war-torn, Muslim country. And did you know that there are heavy metal rock bands in Iraq? I didn't. One is Semi-Death, and another is Saddam's Family.

Well, that's about all I've got. Need to fold the clothes I brought in from the line about an hour ago, check the ones still on the line, and unhook the dishwasher from the kitchen sink because it's done. See you later.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Please don't feel bad for the kids. Once they are grown, they will appreciate all the time they spent together. They will be closer than siblings who ran around with all their friends. The kids are also closer to you. They don't have all the negative influences that are out there. They are surrounded by a loving family with fantastic morals who are teaching them the proper way of living and loving. They aren't coming home crying because some girl/guy told them they were ugly or fat. They aren't coming home feeling stupid because that's what the teacher tells them in front of the whole class. Plus, the best friends in the world you and Ren can have are each other.

Brenda, the person who only has one friend that lives 60 miles away and whose husband has one unmarried friend that he sees once a month.