Sunday, May 27

When the Missouri rain started...

...we had towels on the line that we had to get off of the line because of the wind & rain. Put the basket of wet towels on the sofa on the porch because there were clothes in the washer waiting to go out. The kids had originally went out to block the rain from blowing into one of the broody-hen pens and got SOAKED. *grin* Then I went out to shut the shed door that had blown open and *I* got soaked. LOL. Rain was being soaked at the clothes line, so we were all drenched. We all changed our clothes but had nowhere to put them, so they're still out on the porch-sofa. When the rain stopped and the sun came out, I put the clothes that were in the wash machine out on the line and put the towels from the sofa in the washer for a spin cycle to make them not-quite-as-wet. Then the second wave of rain & wind came and I had to bring the clothes from the line in (still wet). *sigh* I put them in the dryer, just to keep the cats from laying on them until this morning. This morning I put them BACK on the line, but the towels are still in the washer, clothes are still on the porch-sofa needing washed and hung out, and there's another basket of clothes waiting to be washed as well. Guess what I'm going to be doing all day. *smile*

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