Tuesday, May 1

Cat pix, chicken pix, window pic, cowhead pic

Good news! Well, for us anyway. Hedwig, who had been gone for at least a month, came home a few days ago :-) She's GOT to have another home, because she definitely didn't look like she went without food.

basket-cat2.jpg basket-cat.jpg

Every nite when I go outside to feed the chickens, they surround me and follow me until they get their food.

chicken-following.jpg chickens-following.jpg

chicken-following1.jpg chicken-following2.jpg

chickens-following1.jpg chickens-following2.jpg

And you KNOW that I mention our cats from time to time, so I took a few pictures just because :-)

2-cats.jpg 4-cats.jpg

Airy.jpg twitch.jpg

While outside a couple of weeks ago, I found this miniature cow head by a tree with a real one that had decomposed too much and had to be tossed. But I thought this was cute.


Not exactly who or why this picture was taken, but since I'm posting pictures I thought I'd just throw it in. It's either a picture of the trampoline, or the bottles on the top of the window - you decide :-)


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lovelife said...

love the cat pic. wish I could have chcikens and er fresh eggs. Hope you are all doing ok.

Todd said...

Cool, glad you like the cat pictures. As far as how we're doing, we're doing okay, I guess. Thanks!