Sunday, August 24

Chickens, homestead and life in general (or thereabouts)

Well, I sent an email to a couple of local-ISH friends to ask if they know anyone who would like to get into the chicken raising hobby. We have 30-ISH chickens, including a couple of roosters (roosters ARE technically chickens, just not usually lumped in like the hens are). We are offering them to ANYONE who is willing to pay us $2 per or $50 for all. If you know of anyone around the Long Lane, MO area interested, please pass it on.

Anyway, was outside on the porch visiting with Rain while she smoked a cigarrette and was looking around at this and that, most the storage-dresser with a few cans of paint in it that're not be used, and thought, "Hmm... I could paint the house with some of that, even in stripes of the different colors (yellow - lots, white [probably more in the shed], along with blue, green and peach)". Then I said outloud, "I could, but I just don't really care what color the house it, but I guess any color better than the dull brown it currently is". *heavy sigh* Then Rain mentioned, "Too tired to care, huh?" YEP! That's pretty much true about ANYTHING though, hence why I've got a doctor's appointment tomorrow to see if the possibility to raise the dosage of my generic prozac is available, and something/anything that I could get put on to counteract the fatigue my MS is causing. My nuerologist WON'T fucking prescribe ANYTHING but Provigil but my prescription insurance won't pay for that because "it's too expensive" (and we all know that insurance companies need to pinch their pennies!! *sarcasm*). We (my wife & I) KNOW from doing lots of research that other doctors have prescribed things (ritalin, etc) that people with ADD/ADHD have been, that's helped us with MS and other illnesses that cause fatigue, but my nuero REFUSES to even CONSIDER them (and the insurance company won't consider paying for provigil until after he does). So we're going to ask the PCP/NP if she will. Wish me luck, please?

That's all I got, because well, I'M TOO FUCKING TIRED OF CARING to write more.

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