Thursday, October 12

Cleaning the coop, premade breakfast, dead in Iraq

Howdy! And how are YOU this fine day? Who? Me? Oh, I'm doing pretty good. I've managed somehow to get quite a bit done today. What have I got done? I'm glad you asked, thank you. I managed to get two loads of laundry done. I also helped a beautiful woman clean most of the chicken shit out of the chicken coop and put said shit in the garden to compost over the winter so that we'll have great soil to plant stuff in. *smile* And of course we put new hay in the coop. A lot on the floor for the ducks, so that they'll have a bit of softness to sleep on, plus stay a bit warmer. You know tonight, in some parts of Missouri it's supposed to get down to the freezing mark (32*F). We also put some hay in the nesting boxes for the chickens. They were weren't real happy while we were keeping them out while we cleaned it, but they're very happy now that it's clean and replenished. *smile* And lastly, we got the trash cans out of the bathroom (2), kitchen (1), beside the computer desk (1), and out of my daughter's room (1) taken outside, dumped in the burn-barrel and burned.

Before all that work started, I was awoken this morning by someone telling me that muffins we ready, as well as some hot tea. That got me out of bed fairly quickly, although I was still a bit slow because I was *so* comfortable. Then I watched a bit of TV while I ate and drank my tea. After that, I watched the news, where I found that there was a report released that said that somewhere between 400,000 and 900,000 (655,000) people have died in Iraq since the occupation army invaded. Of course the commander in chief of said invading army claims the numbers are wrong and the way they were obtained was by using flawed methodology. Unfortunately for that man, his goverment spends millions of dollars a year to train people to use that exact same methodology. In fact, it's the same methodology that's been being perfected since they started trying to get the number of people killed in war times.

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lovelife said...

The US goverment wishes that we the people of the US think that only people from the US are being killed in the war.
The war needs to end we need a pres that will bring the troops home.

Todd said...

You know that, and I know that, but apparently our government doesn't care what we think, because the last I heard, the "plan" is that troops stay in Iraq until at *least* 2010 :.-(