Tuesday, October 17

Our homeschool meeting

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These are what *I* did in our meeting with our home education group in Buffalo, Missouri today. Neither of the kids (11 & 14) want to make an owl, so I did. They did however, both color the owl like mine, in fact my DD (14) even did the math problems. *smile* Although I didn't check her answers, I'd bet she got them all correct. *grin* If you want to see a bigger version of whichever, just click on the picture and you'll see them. The width will be 600 pixels, not sure what the length will be without looking it up, which I'm not inclined to do at the moment. Most of the other kids who were younger than my oldest, all made owls with construction paper, glue, and plastic eyes. It was fun. Other than that, we all talked, and listened to all the kids play and laugh. Tomorrow the group is scheduled for a play day at the park. I'm told that a game called "Marco Polo" is planned, and after that we'll just do our own things. Speaking of our own things, after the last one we attended, two weeks ago where our frisbee finally bit the big one, I looked at Wal-Mart only to find that frisbee selling season is over with. *whah* I just remembered something, I saw that we have another somewhere around here. It's not as durable as the one that broke, but I'll bet it'll still fly. *smile*

After the meeting we went grocery shopping for this weeks supplies. While we were out and about, we filled the gas tank of "The Dragon" van. After shopping, we came home and just hung out.

Hope y'all had a good day!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice! I have enjoyed having your family at our meetings and playdates. Any time any of you would like to add any ideas to the group go right ahead. Your input is of value. You have beautiful kids and are doing an awesome job raising them. The time and LOVE (wink,wink)you have and are still investing in them shines through. Keep up the good work!:)