Good evening, folks. I was going to just wait for the download of the latest version of Qumana 3.0.0 to finish so I could see what the improvements are, but since I want to watch a show (Cold Case) that starts at 8 pm (it's almost 7), I figured I might as well get my writing done. Shweh! Was that a LONG sentence, or what? Sure, you're thinking that I have over an hour before the show starts, so why not wait. One word - DIAL-UP. It's a 9.3 MB download, and at 48 Kbps, it's going to take almost till 8 to finish. However, it *just* finished (7 pm), so I guess I can try it after all. *smile* What I'm most interested in is whether or not when I upload my entry to my LiveJournal that the title in Qumana is transferred to the 'subject' on LJ. I'm hoping yes, but if not I'll just do what I've been doing and use Zoundry for LJ, no biggie. I'm also curious to see if they've made it so I can add words for the ones they say are misspelled. I see you still can't do it my right-clicking on the misspelled word, but you can still do it after clicking on the ABC with the checkmark in the upper left-hand corner, above the title. The next question that'll need answered, with the next entry, is whether or not the 'corrections' stay, or if it thinks the same words are misspelled again.
You know what's frustrating? Trying to figure out why the lights in your bedroom closet won't work, and neither will the plug-ins in the closet either. Nor will the one on the other side of the wall from the plug-in in the closet, in the living room. I spent the better part of an hour trying to see the wires under the floor in the attic to see if I could tell if a mouse chewed on a wire. No such luck though :-( The previous owner made it next to impossible to get TO the wires. *sigh* But, from what I could see, I don't see that they've been chewed on. Now I'm thinking that maybe the breaker went out, cause a couple of years ago when my daughter flipped the light switch in the closet, the lights flashed, and then didn't work anymore. Yes, we changed bulbs, that's not the problem. I checked the switches themselves. Not sure if they're bad or not, but I don't *think* they are. When I use a basic 2-wire/with light tester, the light comes on when I touch the positive and negative poles, but only when the switch is OFF. I just don't know enough about electricity to know what that means. *sigh* I know what I plug another tester
into the plug-ins, that tester says there's 'correct', but the light on the left is dimmer and the plug doesn't actually power anything that's plugged into it :-(
My show is coming on, so that's all I'm going to write.
Tags: qumana, livejournal, live, journal, electricity, lights, plug-ins, attic, testers
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