Wednesday, July 5

July 4th. Wine. Ants. Exercises.

Good afternoon, y'all! Here it is the 5th of July. That is a surprise to me because I thought yesterday was the 3rd and today was the 4th. When I woke-up this morning when Rain came to get me, I was thinking that either we would or would not be going to watch the fireworks display at the park tonight. After she had woke me up she told me it was the 5th. When we went shopping Monday we bought a 4 pack of wine coolers. I didn't drink any of them yesterday because I was saving them until today. Well, guess I should've been drinking them yesterday afterall, huh? So I just got one out of the fridge and will open and start drinking it in a few minutes (or less). In fact, I think I'll do that now. Uh, not too bad, tastes like wine. It's Gallo - White Zinfandel - 9% alcohol by volume. The bottles are small. I can't find where it says how many ounces they are, but since I have to guess, I'll say somewhere between 8 and 10 ounces.

About celebrating the 4th of July. I'm kind of ambivalent about it. On one hand I understand that it's supposed to be a celebration of independence from the British rule of 200 years ago. On the other hand, it kind of feels like it's become a celebration of war, to me. Now, I guess if it was a celebration of freedom from our own government, then it would make more sense. But these days it seems as though the Bush administration is working hard to turn us back and get rid of as many constitutional rights as they can. They're using the lie of the "war on terrorism" to usurp as many rights as they can. That's why the other day I thought to myself, "Maybe we SHOULD celebrate this year because it may just be the LAST year it'll be allowed". Unfortunately, I totally forgot what days of the month it was and missed it. LOL. Just as well I guess.

Didn't do much yesterday except watch the clouds hoping for rain, and TV. We never did get any rain. All the storm went south and east of us. Darn! We really need some rain. All of our grass is starting to turn brown and ugly. Oh, there are still plenty of green areas, but they are a dull green, and will just continue to get duller and browner the longer we go without the wet stuff falling from the sky, as you can imagine.

My wife did spray the ant killer around the back windows and around the base of the house, and into the holes where the rivets were missing. Plus she sprayed the inside of the bathroom window because ants were creating a lot of wood dust where they were chewing. Hopefully she killed enough of them so that we'll get a break and the house will stand for a while longer before turning to a pile of dust.

I also burned the kitchen and bathroom trash. That's pretty much all we did yesterday. Just another typical country day on the homestead. The kids worked out on the exercise machine. They're taking a break today because their legs are sore. My daughter printed a whole bunch of workout sheets this morning so they can keep track of the exercises they do each time.


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