Sunday, July 9

Spot update. Chickweed. Summer leaves. Centurytel DSL?

Update: Spot seems better. She's been drinking water on a regular basis, and probably eating too. Haven't actually seen her eating, but she must be since she's still alive, although she's looking pretty skinny. She's breathes exclusively through her mouth. We assume that's because she has a cold and her nose is clogged. Poor thing. So, hopefully in a few more days she'll be mostly all better. *crossing my fingers*

Chickweed. Click to see enlargement.When I went out with my daughter to feed the chickens and ducks this morning, I saw a pretty big area of the back yard with a whole bunch of chickweed plants flowering. They were really beautiful. This picture was taken this afternoon. They're still pretty, but were much more so this morning. Clicking on the picture will let you see an enlarged view.

Small view of SUMMER leaves falling. Click for enlarged view.Once again, click for the larger picture. Anyway, while outside cleaning all the leaves out of the pool this afternoon, I got to looking at all these leaves. Looking at the amount of them on the ground, it looks like it must be Fall. Well, it's not, it's just the BEGINNING of Summer. It's been so hot and dry that the Poplar trees are heat-stressed so much that all their leaves are falling off. There are four of these trees around the pool. We think that the guy who lived here before us probably planted them because they're fast growing and good for shade. He probably didn't think about the fact that heat and/or high winds cause them to drop all kinds of their leaves. Not only on the ground. A lot of them end up in the pool and clog the filter basket if you're not watching closely. *sigh* But they are pretty when they're green and not stressed-out. *smile*

Here we go again. I haven't seen CenturyTel put up any new towers, but maybe they've put in or upgraded a junction box. I don't know, but when I go to their web site and check to see if we're able to get DSL, it says, "DSL is available in the your area but manual qualification is required. Please contact a customer service representative at 1-800-201-4099 to complete your DSL sign-up. Thank you for your interest in CenturyTel DSL-High Speed Internet." I'll definitely be calling them in the morning, but I'm not expecting this to be true. It said the same thing a few weeks back, but after I got my order in, it was cancelled a few days later :-(


1 comment:

lovelife said...

Would love to have a pool even if it had leaves in it to clean out. Glad the cat still seems to be doing well.
hope you get dsl we have cable and its very nice to have 4 computers on at the same time and fast also.