Friday, September 29

My morning, homeschooling blog, stupid senators

Doing pretty well. Got up this morning after my wife came in to wake me. I was already awake, just hadn't gotten out of bed yet (I was so comfy). She asked me if I'd like a cup of tea heated up, and of course I said, "Sure". I sure do love her. Once I got up, the cup with hot see was sitting on the coffee table waiting for me. *smile* Then I watch the end of the Price Is Right. While waiting for the news to come on, I started one of two antispyware scans on the computer. At the first break in the news I started the oil heating up to I could make some fries. After a few minutes, I dropped the basket with some fries in it into the grease, waited about 4 or so minutes, and they were done. Put them on a plate, added ketchup, took them to the living room, and I watch the rest of the news. At the next break I started a hamburger cooking, and in about 15 minutes it was done. I put it on the same plate the fries were on, and took that to the living room as well, and finished watching the news. Once that was over, I finished the first scan, restarted the computer and started the 2nd one. When that done, I restarted the computer again, and started the Disk Defragmenter. While that was running, I took a shower. After that, I read some email, responded to quite a few of them, read some blogs, responded to a few, and now here I am writing my own blog. *smile* In one of the emails I got this morning, I found out about yet another blogging site, but it for homeschoolers, and you can find it at Haven't decided if I'm going to get an account there or not. I might get one and then see if I can send entries in via Qumana or Zoundry, and if I can, then I'll keep the account, but if not, just delete it, or whatever.

US Senate backs terror trial bill

As for the news... that was sad. Why? Because the idiot senators passed an unconstitutional (IMO) and archaic bill that pretty much strips anyone who's picked-up and accused of being a "threat" to the u.S. of their rights. If you weren't born in the u.S. you can be denied Habeas Corpus and held pretty much forever without being able to question why you were picked up. You won't get a lawyer, be able to contact a lawyer, or be able to sue the u.S. government if you ever do get out. It's a sad, sad day in these united States :-( Hopefully it'll be challenged and overturned. *crossing fingers*

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Unknown said...

Hi Todders!

Rain sure is a doll; how lucky you both are.

Does it surprise you that I have a blog at Hee hee.

I'm afraid I haven't updated it since things have disintegrated here, though. How are you? I think of you and family a lot, actually. Wonder how Rowan is doing...

Todd said...

"Does it surprise you that I have a blog at"

No, not really. Apparently you're more *into* all the blogging sites than I am. I just found out about it. *grin*

"How are you?"

I'm doing okay. Not up to a whole lot since it started cooling off. We are enjoying the fact the we finally found a homeschool group in our area. So far so good! :-)

Blogspot still hasn't sent me your comment, I just happened to be messing around, decided to go to me blog, and noticed it. Write me privately please, and give me your *newest* email addy. Thanks.