Tuesday, September 26

Write your reps. News. Clothes. Weather

I went and sent emails to my representatives, urging them to vote against the bills that would allow torture to continue, and also allow warrantless Internet spying to continue. You can find petitions to send at http://www.downsizedc.org/. One is called, "No Torture! No “Star Chamber Courts!" and the other is, "No Warrant? No Search. I got all three of the links from Whimsperation's blog. I don't know if it's too late or not, but I strongly urge you to try. Thanks in advance.

So far today I've just watched the news on DemocracyNow.org, eaten a hamburger, drank some tea that Rain had ready for me when I woke-up, read some blog, responded on a few, read some emails, responded to a few of those as well. *smile*

I've still got a load of clothes in the dryer to deal with. They were done last night, but there was a football game on, so I never got to them. I'll do them, probably, as soon as I'm done writing.

It's looks like a beautiful day out there. It's sunny, and according to Weatherbug, it's 76*F. I probably should go outside and do something, like clean the chicken coop. Oh yeah, that's what sunny days are meant for. Not! *smile* Seriously, it does need to be done.

Okay, all that being said, I'm out of words. Write to ya later, tater! :-)

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TheyDHD said...

Thanks for taking action. It is a lovely day out today, isn't it?

Todd said...

"Thanks for taking action. It is a lovely day out today, isn't it?"

You're welcome. I just hope it's not too late, which I fear it probably is. And yes, it's quite the lovely day. Gorgeous actually! :-)