Friday, June 9

Berry Festival 2006

What did we do for fun today? We went to "The Berry Festival" in Buffalo, MO.

The Berry Festival 2006 in Buffalo, MO

It was kind of a chore to actually get the kids to ride any rides, because they wouldn't decide which ones to do. *sigh* But once they went on a few, that we suggested, they had fun. Eldin even drove the bumper cars, twice, by himself and had a BLAST! *smile* Rain and I didn't ride any because we both get nauseous on them :-( Plus we spent $34 dollars that we really couldn't afford to buy the kids arm bands so they could ride any ride as many times as they wanted.

I put a bunch of pictures up on Ramblemanweb for you to look at, if you want. I took pictures of the rides they went on, plus "The Zipper" which we couldn't convince them too, but it sure looked like fun :-)


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