Saturday, June 17

Rain. Benedryl. Pizza Hut. 12-18. Laundry.

Not a lot going on today. It looks like it's going to rain, which is a good thing because everything is SO dry.

We made an unscheduled trip into town to get Rain some Benedryl to help with the eye-itching due to the wasp sting a couple of days ago. She took one as soon as we got back into the van. She said it helped pretty quickly.

Then we did one last hurrah before we completely stop using any credit card except for absolute emergencies (like E.R. visits or something), because of tomorrow being "Father's Day", by going to Pizza Hut. I didn't realize until they brought the bill that it's actually more expensive if the four of us get the buffet. For some reason, I always thought the buffet was so you'd get more for less. Rain told me that the buffet offers more choices, so that's why it costs more. What was I thinking? *smile* Speaking of the bill, do they really think that once a child goes over the magic age of 12 that they're suddenly going to eat as much as a full-grown adult, so they have to charge accordingly? So, let's see... you can join the military and shoot people at 16, but for just about everything else you're considered a "child" if you're under 18, unless you're at a restaurant or amusement park? What kind of frikkin' sense does THAT make? None! IMO! Anyway...

Got a couple loads of laundry done yesterday. I see that the kids brought their full laundry basket out this afternoon. Sigh :-) Most of it is towels from their several trips into the pool and back, having gotten new towels each time. Kids! :-)


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