Friday, June 16

Font. Electric bills. Laundry. Off the market.

What I am trying instead of enlarging the size of the writing, is trying a new font -Verdana. It appears, at least in email, that 12pt is a good size. And so far it looks good on this page :-) Not sure how it's going to look once it's posted to my blog sites.

It's going to be a hot one today, at least according to Weatherbug - in the 90's. We still don't have the air-conditioner installed in the living room window because we're seeing how long we can avoid doing it. The goal is to avoid electric bills that are over $100 per month. Although running the swimming pool pump might put it over that anyway. However, we don't run the pool pump 24/7, so the bill shouldn't be too high.

Today I need to do some laundry. The hamper in our bedroom is full. I had planned on getting up this morning and starting the laundry as soon as I got back in from feeding the birds. But I haven't started any yet. Had email, don't ya know? :-)

One other thing I want to get done today is bringing the 2 push-mowers out of the small shed and hosing them down. We haven't been able to get them started in at least a couple of years, which hasn't been necessary anyway because we have the riding mower. Earlier in the week someone on FreeCycle asked if anyone had any mowers that didn't run. We responded, and someone will be coming tomorrow to pick them up, so I would like them to at least not look AS grungy.

Added some wording to our "home4sale" page, saying that as of next week if the house isn't sold, we'll more than likely be taking it off the market. That after all the allowances, the price paid would be only $86,900 instead of $89,900, so if you want to buy it, don't wait much longer. Don't really expect that to help much, because it's already been on the market for a year, and nothing we've done as helped so far.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Man, where can I find enough money to pay the blackmail fees the U.S. Govt. wants us to pay so Gunnar can work in the States? Too bad I didn't marry someone from south of the border, eh?

Oh how I wish I could buy your farm. I have a daughter and two grandchildren who would move to MO with me, too. =(